Mycobacterium Bovis as causal agent of human tuberculosis

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Vivianne Cambuí Figueiredo Rocha
Salomão Cambuí Figueiredo
Acácia Orieth Elias
Douglas Alexandre Saraiva Leão
José Soares Ferreira Neto


Mycobacterium bovis included in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infects a range of domestic and wildanimals. Although primarily infecting the bovine species it mayalso be isolated from other mammals, including human beingsin which it promotes a disease that’s indistinguishable from theone due to M. tuberculosis. In many industrialized countries dueto the application of strict control measures and the consequentreduction in the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis, andinfections of other animal species by M. bovis, this subject hasbeen considered of minor importance. However in developingcountries, there is still a significant public health risk of infectionwith this microorganism. Indeed in these countries M. bovis is,has been found in domestic animals, wildlife and humans. Thispaper analyzes the importance of Mycobacterium bovis infectionfor the human health.

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ROCHA, V. C. F.; FIGUEIREDO, S. C.; ELIAS, A. O.; LEÃO, D. A. S.; FERREIRA NETO, J. S. Mycobacterium Bovis as causal agent of human tuberculosis. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 10, n. 2/3, p. 22-31, 1 Dec. 2012.