Synovial fluid analysis in dogs: literature review

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Angélica Cecilia Tatarunas
Julia Maria Matera
Maria Luísa Franchini


Objective: To present information on synovial fluid analysis, an important source of information on canine joint diseases. Data Sources: CAB and MEDLINE, 40 years retrospective period. Data Synthesis: Study ofthe physical and chemical features of the synovial fluic/, as well as of the ways to perform a cytological exam. The amount of synovial fluid obtained may not be enough for ali the exams; when minimal, the cytological study should be the priority. lnfectious agents such as fungi, protozoan and bacteria can be observed, as well as cells suggestive of immunomediated joint disease. Conclusions: Synovialfluid analysis is important to distinguish between inflammatory and non inflammatory arthropaties and must be interpreted in the light ofradiographic and clinicai informations.

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How to Cite
TATARUNAS, A. C.; MATERA, J. M.; FRANCHINI, M. L. Synovial fluid analysis in dogs: literature review. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 7, n. 1/3, p. 07-14, 1 Jan. 2004.