Abscesses in the venebral column ofcalves and lambs: neurologic aspects

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Luiz Carlos Marques
Fabiano Antônio Cadioli
Augusto de Castro Netto
Larissa Gabriela Ávila
Júlio Carlos Canola
Antônio Carlos Alessi


Objective: To documenl lhe occurrence of vertebral column abscesses in six calves and two lambs raised in lhe Slate of São Paulo, Brazil. Descriptiol/: The a./fected calves were aged between 50 and 150 days. ClinicaI sigl7s consisted ofataxia and paralysis caudal lo lhe cOll1pressive lesion in lhe verlebral colwl7n. In one calf, lhe abscess a./fecled the body of the 6,h cervical and }" Ihoracic verlebrae, Ihree calves had epidural abscesses in lhe Ihoracic segments, one calfhad epidural abscess in lhe lumbar segment and another calfhad epidurallumbosacral abscesso Bolh lambs had lumbar epidural abscesses. Animais su./fering.froll1 abscesses in lhe Ihoracic OI' lumbar segmenls of the verlebral column presenled wilh paraplegia ofpelvic limbs, while lelraplegia was observed when lhe abscess a./fecled lhe cervical verlebra. Arcanobaclerium pyogenes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. were isolaledji-om lhe a./fecled calves. Conc/usions: Despile lhe greallechnological evolution in animal produclion, il is c/ear Ihallhe lack of sill1ple hygienic procedures, such as umbilical disinfeclion of newborns, are slill nol correct/y performed and cause severe diseases.

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MARQUES, L. C.; CADIOLI, F. A.; NETTO, A. DE C.; ÁVILA, L. G.; CANOLA, J. C.; ALESSI, A. C. Abscesses in the venebral column ofcalves and lambs: neurologic aspects. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 7, n. 1/3, p. 15 - 22, 1 Jan. 2004.