Biosafety in veterinarian establishments in the city of Ribeirão Preto, Sp, Brazil

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Dario Valente
Carlos Alberto d'Ávilla de Oliveira
Vânia Cantarela Rodrigues
Hélio Trebbi


Objective: To identify specific conditions in veterinary establishments that may jeopardize biosafety, such as: a) proper disposal of medical waste; b) compliance with radiological safety rules; c) use of personal protection equipment; d) pre-exposure vaccination of directly involved personnel against rabies and tetanus; e) utilization of a refrigerator exclusive for storage of biological products; j) use of Maximum-Minimum thermometer; g) employment of adequate disposal container. Material and Method: Retrospective study based on dala collected from sanitary inspection reports concerning requests for Operation License, filed within the Sanitary Surveillance section of the Municipal Health Secretariat of Ribeirão Preto, Sp, Brazil. The files of36 veterinary establishments inspected between September-18-2000 and September-5-2001, were evaluated. Results: Among the 36 establishments evaluated, 8 (22.2%) disposed of medical waste properly; 7 (19.4%) had X-ray equipment, but only 1 (14.3%) met the legal requirements concerning radiological protection; 24 (66.7%) failed lo provide pre-exposure vaccination against rabies and tetanus for all workers handling dogs and cats; personal protection equipment was used in 34 (94%), but was mostly limited to muzzles; in 13 (36.1%) the refrigerator was not exclusive for storage of biological products -food, water and biological products, especially vaccines, were stored together; in 21 (58.3%) a Maximum-Minimum thermometer was not used for temperature control of biological products and 26 (72.2%) did not have adequate sharps disposal container. Conclusions: Based on the data evaluated, it was concluded that most veterinary establishments in Ribeirão Preto do not offer satisfactory biosafety conditions and that the sanitary authorities must act against the license holders, to ensure that such irregularities be corrected.

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How to Cite
VALENTE, D.; OLIVEIRA, C. A. D’ÁVILLA DE; RODRIGUES, V. C.; TREBBI, H. Biosafety in veterinarian establishments in the city of Ribeirão Preto, Sp, Brazil. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 7, n. 1/3, p. 45-54, 1 Jan. 2004.