Malazessia dermatitis in dogs: a clinical epidemiological retrospective study of 92 cases (1989-1995), S. Paulo, Brazil

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Cibele Rossi Nahas Mazzei
Carlos Eduardo Larsson
Walderez Gambale
Caudete de Paula Rodrigues
Neusa Sakai Valente


A clinical epidemiological retrospective study was carried out in Brazil, involving 92 dogs with Malazessia dermatitis. Though there was no correlation between gender and results, dogs under 5 years of age and certain breeds, such as English Cocker Spaniels, German Shepherds and Poodles, were more predisposed. The alopecic, scaly, lichenified, erythematous and hypercheratotic lesions were restricted to the skin fold areas, with severe pruritus in most cases. Other underlying diseases, specially allergic dermatitis, were identified in 88% of cases. Complete remission of symptoms and lesions was achieved in 54% of animals that were treated. No significant difference was found between therapeutic schedules

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How to Cite
MAZZEI, C. R. N.; LARSSON, C. E.; GAMBALE, W.; RODRIGUES, C. DE P.; VALENTE, N. S. Malazessia dermatitis in dogs: a clinical epidemiological retrospective study of 92 cases (1989-1995), S. Paulo, Brazil. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 5, n. 3, p. 243-252, 1 Dec. 2002.