Aujeszky Disease Swine: occurrence and spreading in São Paulo State - Brazil

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Érico Luiz Krzyzaniak
Arnold Frederico Gottschalk
José Rafael Módolo
Carlos Roberto Padovani
Helmuth Kieckhöfer
Paulo Rogério Saurin Visentini


Aujeszky disease is an infeccions one with wide spreading characterized by development of latent infeccions and reprodutive problems in swine herd resulting large economical damage in agribusiness. A lot of countries descry possible attitudes for erradication plans of disease worried about future intemational marketing restritions. This work presents informations related to herd management method, spacial and temporal distribution of occurrence, population density, intrastate and interstate transit of animals coming from South Region to São Paulo state and other ones, for suckling or slaughter, that need to cross over São Paulo to reach its receiver. It's discussed too its intertwining with other epidemiological factors that may collaborate disease endless.

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KRZYZANIAK, ÉRICO L.; GOTTSCHALK, A. F.; MÓDOLO, J. R.; PADOVANI, C. R.; KIECKHÖFER, H.; VISENTINI, P. R. S. Aujeszky Disease Swine: occurrence and spreading in São Paulo State - Brazil. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 5, n. 2, p. 215-225, 1 Jul. 2002.