Methodological and neurofunctional bases for the evaluation of pain / suffering presence in animals

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Irvênia Luiza de Santis Prada
Flávio Massone
Arif Cais
Paulo Eduardo Miranda Costa
Marcelo Marcondes Seneda


Objective: To identify and consequently to avoid situations that subject animals to suffering as a
bioethical issue. There are two basic reasons to make it a complex subject: pain and suffering are
subjective phenomena that depend on individual experience, and animais, as well as human babies,
do not give us verbal information on what they feel. Purposes: To analyze the subject from a scientific
perspective, sustained by the rational method. To evaluate several situations in wmch animals are
used: scientific experiments, teaching purposes, production, exhibition in circuses, parks and zoas,
etc. The use ofsedem and spurs in rodeos, training and shows as cause for animal pain and suffering
is also stl.ldied. Materials & Method: The similarity between the morphofunctional configuration of
pain neural pathways in animals and man is analyzed, based on theHomology Principie adopted by
LASA (Laboratory Animal Science Association). Physiological signs as well as suggestive behavior
are studied as toals to identify the occurrence of pain and suffering in animais. Altematives to replace
procedures involving pain and suffering in different settings should be stimulated, preserving animal
welfare. This proposal is compatible with the natural right ofanimais, not to be exposed to suffering,
and is coherent with the dignity we intend to deserve as human beings.

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How to Cite
PRADA, I. L. DE S.; MASSONE, F.; CAIS, A.; COSTA, P. E. M.; SENEDA, M. M. Methodological and neurofunctional bases for the evaluation of pain / suffering presence in animals. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 5, n. 1, p. 01-13, 1 Jan. 2002.