Immunophenotyping of canine lymphoma in paraffin embedded tissue

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Veridiana Maria Brianezi Diagnani de Moura
Julio Lopes Sequeira
Renée Laufer Amorim
Enio Pedone Bandarra


The use of immunohistochemistry techniques to c1assify canine lymphomas in paraffin embedded tissues was the object of this study. Anti-CD3 antibodies for T-cells and anti-CD79a antibodies for B-cells were used. T-cell lymphomas were more frequent (60.2%), followed by B-cell lymphomas (32.6%) and T/B-cell lymphomas (7.2%). Using the lymphoid anti-CD3 (Dako A0452) and anti-CD79a (Dako M7051) markers specific for humans, we concluded that these antibodies showed cross-reactivity with canine tissue and can be used in determining the lymphoid line of canine lymphomas. We also showed that the immunohistochemistry technique used in paraffin embedded tissues had excellent results, specially with the development of new mono and polyclonal antibodies with cross reactivity between species.

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How to Cite
DE MOURA, V. M. B. D.; SEQUEIRA, J. L.; AMORIM, R. L.; BANDARRA, E. P. Immunophenotyping of canine lymphoma in paraffin embedded tissue. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 4, n. 3, p. 71-75, 1 Dec. 2001.