Expert examination of abattoirs

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Valdecir Vargas Castilho


Based on the Consumer Defense Code, District Attorney Offices have requested veterinarian to examine municipal abattoirs with the purpose of eradicating clandestine slaughter or slaughter that does not follow the recommended technical standards. The objective of this study is to provide veterinarians with a rationale that can be followed in preparing the official reports after examining the abattoirs. There are no legal rules standardizing this procedure, thus the need to approach the subject in a detailed and objective manner, including a real situation model of official report, that was used to interdict the municipal abattoir in question.

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How to Cite
CASTILHO, V. V. Expert examination of abattoirs. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 3, n. 3, p. 65-70, 1 Dec. 2000.