Economic and management issues involved in the adoption and maintenance of integrated crop-livestock systems

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Gabriela Geraldi Mendonça
Jeferson Garcia Augusto
Pedro Miele Bonacim
Leonardo Sartori Menegatto
Flávia Fernanda Simili
Augusto Hauber Gameiro


Professionals involved in animal and plant production chains are currently confronted with a scenario of contradictions. There is a growing demand for food, on the other hand, social pressures question how food is produced. Within this context, integrated production systems could be an important strategy. Integrated crop-livestock systems (ICL) consists of the implementation of different systems for animal and agricultural production in the same area, planted concurrently, sequentially or in rotation. The most reported advantages of ICL systems are agronomic or productive benefits, which are the result of improved soil quality and better pest control. However, to implement ICL systems on large scale, representing an actual alternative for food production, scientific research must address the economic and management issues involved in the adoption and maintenance of these systems.

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How to Cite
MENDONÇA, G. G.; AUGUSTO, J. G.; BONACIM, P. M.; MENEGATTO, L. S.; SIMILI, F. F.; GAMEIRO, A. H. Economic and management issues involved in the adoption and maintenance of integrated crop-livestock systems. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 16, n. 1, p. 46-53, 16 Apr. 2018.