Taxonomic discrimination of evidence produced by pumas and dogs in outdoor depredations, from the forensic veterinary perspective taxonomic discrimination of evidence produced by pumas and dogs in outdoor depredations, from the forensic veterinary perspective

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F. Scarso-Giaconi
G. M. Fonseca


Puma (Puma concolor) has great adaptability,
but the loss of habitat and prey has originated conflicts in
their interactions, which the predation of livestock has
originated misperception as pest and persecution. However,
it has been shown that dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) can
also attack cattle causing disturbing damage. The lack of
strategies and absence of qualified personnel evaluating each
case can mask the real impact of the predation patterns of
puma and dog attackes, that are different in their nature and
effects but could be misinterpreted causing excessive reactions.
The interdisciplinary approach in a forensic context
can optimize the information of the scene and the victim,
and the veterinarian practioner have the knowledge and
skills for this. The goal of this work is to review the state of
the art of the analysis of evidence produced by pumas and
dogs in outdoor depredations in forensic contexts and to
discuss future perspectives to improve this analysis with
the inclusion of forensic veterinarians in these procedures.

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How to Cite
SCARSO-GIACONI, F.; FONSECA, G. M. Taxonomic discrimination of evidence produced by pumas and dogs in outdoor depredations, from the forensic veterinary perspective taxonomic discrimination of evidence produced by pumas and dogs in outdoor depredations, from the forensic veterinary perspective. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 16, n. 1, p. 64-65, 16 Apr. 2018.