Avian reovirus infection: an overview

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Tatiana Reichert da Silva Assunção
Ana Paula Gori Palka
Daniela Parada Pavoni


Poultry production is an activity of great importance in Brazilian economy, both due to the domestic consumption and the large amount of chicken meat exportation. Poultry activity modernization allowed the creation of animals in high density facilities, however, it facilitates the rapid dissemination of pathogens, which reduces the productivity rates. This review aims to highlight the avian reovirus, an important agent of arthritis in birds that has a worldwide distribution. The affected birds present a reduction in weight gain due to movement difficulties. In addition to arthritis, the virus may be related to a variety of pathological conditions, such as enteric and respiratory disorders, Hepatitis and myocarditis. The main prevention and control measure is the flock vaccination. Nevertheless, due to the avian reovirus great genetic variability, the vaccine may not be effective against circulating strains. This article aims to overview the virus biology, its variability and classification, and the infection pathology and diagnosis.

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How to Cite
ASSUNÇÃO, T. R. DA S.; PALKA, A. P. G.; PAVONI, D. P. Avian reovirus infection: an overview. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 16, n. 2, p. 48-59, 3 Dec. 2018.