Cryptococcal pneumonia and leptomeningitis in feline: a case report

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Débora Quioqueti de Souza Débora Quioqueti de Souza
Gabriela Bócoli Martins de Oliveira
Ana Carolina de Souza Luiz
Lucas Bessa
Poliana Silva Beker dos Reis
Lídia Hilderbrand Pulz


Cryptococcosis is a chronic, global, infectious, integumentary and/or systemic fungal disease caused by yeast from the genus Cryptococcus that can infect humans, wild animals and domestic mammals, especially domestic cats. Two species are most directly involved with the disease Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii, but immunocompromised patients have, as the main cause, Cryptococcus neoformans. However, Cryptococcus gattii, despite affecting immunosuppressed hosts, can also cause disease in immunocompetent individuals. The present report presents the clinical findings and the diagnosis confirmed through the histopathological examination of a cryptococcal pneumonia and leptomeningitis case observed in a male feline, undefined breed, five-year-old, treated at the Veterinary Hospital “Dr. Vicente Borreli”– do Centro Universitário da Fundação de Ensino Octávio Bastos (Unifeob).

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DÉBORA QUIOQUETI DE SOUZA, D. Q. DE S.; OLIVEIRA, G. B. M. DE; CAROLINA DE SOUZA LUIZ, A.; BESSA, L.; SILVA BEKER DOS REIS, P.; HILDERBRAND PULZ, L. Cryptococcal pneumonia and leptomeningitis in feline: a case report. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 17, n. 2, p. 14-22, 5 Aug. 2019.