Epitheliochorial placental structure in sharks and its materno-fetal interaction

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André Luiz Veiga Conrado
Carlos Eduardo Malavasi Bruno
Thierry Salmon
Renata Stecca Iunes
Fernanda Cardoso
Cristiane Cagnoni Ramos


In mammals, intrauterine nutrition of embryos occurs through the placenta. However, in placental viviparous sharks of the order Carcharhiniformes (families Leptochariidae, Triakidae, Hemigaleidae and Carcharhinidae), embryo nutrition can occur in three ways: lecitotrophy (yolk); histotrophy (uterine secretions) and placentotrophy. In this review, it is discussed the anatomical, physiological, and mainly immunological similarity between the placenta of sharks and mammals, showing that maternalfetal tolerance in placental and mammalian sharks is dependent on proteins such as indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, interleukin- 1 and specific proteins of gestation.

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CONRADO, A. L. V.; BRUNO, C. E. M.; SALMON, T.; IUNES, R. S.; CARDOSO, F.; RAMOS, C. C. Epitheliochorial placental structure in sharks and its materno-fetal interaction. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 18, n. 2, 3 Aug. 2020.