The effect of ozone therapy in the treatment of femur fracture in puppies: case report

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Beatriz Carvalho de Moraes
Ana Luiza Biagini
Heloisa Lima Alves
Laura Wiermann Teixeira
Thais Jardim Silva
Loretta Carozzo
Liege Cristina Garcia Silva


Femur fractures are recurrent cases in the small animal veterinary clinic, occurring mainly in puppies. It’s diagnosis is based on the history and clinical signs presented, such as painful sensitivity and support of the limb on tweezers, and defined by radiographic examination of the injured limb. Generally, this type of fracture has surgical treatment indication, however, with the danger of subjecting
the animal to both anesthetic and surgical risks. The present case report describes the use of ozone therapy, a different and less invasive way of treating a femoral fracture, with a greater potential for adherence by the tutor, as it is a more accessible treatment and with excellent results.

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How to Cite
MORAES, B. C. DE; BIAGINI, A. L.; ALVES, H. L.; TEIXEIRA, L. W.; SILVA, T. J.; CAROZZO, L.; SILVA, L. C. G. The effect of ozone therapy in the treatment of femur fracture in puppies: case report. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 20, n. 1, 10 May 2022.