The main causes of rejections in cattle, goats and swine recorded in slaughterhouses in Benguela (Angola) from January to April of 2021

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Cleonice de Jesus Pereira Correia Cadete Alves da Costa
Armindo Paixão António


The present study demonstrates the causes of partial and total rejections in slaughterhouses in the capital of Benguela province, located on the west of Angola, from January to April of 2021, five hundred (500) animals were slaughtered and inspected, tree hundred and forty-nine (349) cattle, one hundred and eight (108) pigs and forty-three goats. For three months we monitored the post mortem inspection carried out by technicians from the Institute of Veterinary Services (ISV), the competent authority used
the observations method, records, consultations of the published files from other countries and capture imagens by photography. Were recorded a hundred and eighty-eight (188) partial and five (5) total rejections. About 38% of the inspected animals had lesions in the red viscera (mainly in the lungs and liver) and 82.9% of the lung lesions were suggestive of Bovine Contagious Peripneumonia (PPCB). Among the parasitic diseases, hydatid disease and fasciolosis prevailed in cattle and the cysticercosis in pigs. The analysis of the data obtained in the research showed that most of the partial rejections in cattle and goats were caused by lesions in the red viscera, mainly in the lungs. In pigs, rejections were caused by the observation of Cisticercus suis in the muscles in a generalized form.

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How to Cite
COSTA, C. DE J. P. C. C. A. DA; ANTÓNIO, A. P. The main causes of rejections in cattle, goats and swine recorded in slaughterhouses in Benguela (Angola) from January to April of 2021. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 20, n. 1, 1 Jun. 2022.