Subclinical ketosis and its impact on the reproductive performance of dairy cows: literature review

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Beatriz Adriane Diniz de Castro
Isabella Maia Pires
Leandro Silva de Andrade


Ketosis, also known as acetonemia, is a metabolic disorder that primarily affects high-yielding dairy cows. The abnormal elevation of ketone bodies in the animal’s tissues and body fluids occurs due to an energy deficit. The amount of food/nutrients ingested are not enough to supply the body’s demand, as well as the reproductive efficiency that is directly linked to health, body condition and its production capacity. High production animals have a very big challenge to increase production with each lactation, therefore, they are susceptible to metabolic changes, including clinical or subclinical ketosis. Such a disease occurs due to a poor metabolic adaptation of the animal to its new lactating condition. The high incidence of uterine diseases in the postpartum period of dairy cows is responsible for numerous losses to the activity, mainly for the reduction of the reproductive efficiency of cows affected by infections. However, since subclinical ketosis prevails in high production dairy herds, the objective of this literature review is to present the pathogenesis and the effects that this metabolic disorder has on the reproduction of dairy cows in the postpartum period, using indicators such as pregnancy rate, conception rate, return to cyclicity, calving interval and calving-estrus interval.

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How to Cite
CASTRO, B. A. D. DE; PIRES, I. M.; ANDRADE, L. S. DE. Subclinical ketosis and its impact on the reproductive performance of dairy cows: literature review. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 21, 19 Jan. 2023.