Level of knowledge about man-generated waste as a One Health problem

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Auan Rangel Oliveira de Vasconcelos
Luis Antônio Mathias
Karina Paes Burger
Mariana Miotto
Bethânia Almeida Gouveia
Danísio Prado Munari
Rosemeri de Oliveira Vasconcelos


Globalization and the increase in population density lead to an increase in the disposal of products generated by society. Waste is the remains of these products that can be recycled, since garbage cannot be reused. Improper disposal of waste causes an environmental impact and reflects on One Health. This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge of the population that seeks primary care health services and the Unesp-FCAV in Jaboticabal (SP), using a questionnaire containing questions about garbage and waste. In the study, 86 volunteers from primary care participated, with a satisfactory score in 6 of the 10 questions. The 88 volunteers from Unesp-FCAV had a satisfactory score in 9 of the 10 questions. Education influences the level of knowledge and awareness of the population on the topic of study. Educational measures are needed to make the population aware of the effects of waste on One Health.

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VASCONCELOS, A. R. O. DE; MATHIAS, L. A.; BURGER, K. P.; MIOTTO, M.; GOUVEIA, B. A.; MUNARI, D. P.; VASCONCELOS, R. DE O. Level of knowledge about man-generated waste as a One Health problem. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 21, 10 Apr. 2023.