Anesthesia for orchiectomy in a cryptorchid horse: case report

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Darcy Vilhena Borges Junior
Giovanna Marquiti Octaviano
Juliana da Silva Bonfante


Cryptorchidism is one of the most common testicular disorders in horses, characterized by the failure of one or both testicles to descend into the scrotum. The treatment for this affection is bilateral orchiectomy, requiring an anesthetic procedure. In the present study, for the choice of the anesthetic protocol the surgical time, the surgical procedure, the decubitus and the species of the animal were taken into consideration. With the evolution of veterinary anesthesiology, new techniques have been used, such as the use of partial intravenous anesthesia (Piva) to seek greater hemodynamic stability, better anesthetic plans, trans-anesthetic stability, analgesia, and faster recovery.

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How to Cite
BORGES JUNIOR, D. V.; OCTAVIANO, G. M.; BONFANTE, J. DA S. Anesthesia for orchiectomy in a cryptorchid horse: case report. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 21, 23 Jun. 2023.