Nephrectomy and penectomy after accidental diagnosis of Dioctophyme renale in a dog in Campos do Jordão, Brazil

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Fernanda Cardoso
Yasmim Gonçalves de Souza
André Luiz Veiga Conrado
Renata Stecca Iunes
José Roberto Machado Cunha da Silva


We report a case of dioctophymatosis in a male, non-castrated dog raised in a rural area of
Campos do Jordão Municipality, State of São Paulo, Brazil. The tutor reported a penile enlargement and
the difficulty of the dog in urinating few days before admission. Ultrasonography showed an urethral
dilatation with a penile urethral calculus (0.56 cm length) and altered right kidney parenchyma
suggestive of Dioctophyme renale infection, which was confirmed by urinalysis. Finally, the patient
underwent orchiectomy, penectomy and right nephrectomy, with the presence of a specimen of D.
renale measuring 35 cm in length that had completely consumed the kidney’s parenchyma. This is the
first report of dioctophymatosis in Campos do Jordão, with penile necrosis as an aggravating factor.

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How to Cite
CARDOSO, F.; SOUZA, Y. G. DE; CONRADO, A. L. V.; IUNES, R. S.; SILVA, J. R. M. C. DA. Nephrectomy and penectomy after accidental diagnosis of Dioctophyme renale in a dog in Campos do Jordão, Brazil. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 21, 15 Dec. 2023.