Comparison on animal production in organic and conventional systems

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Gabriel Augusto Marques Rossi
Paulo de Paula Lopes Lemos


The market for organic products is increasing globally, seeking to fulfill the needs and expectations of consumers who believe it’s a healthier food. There are many controversies found in studies that assess primarily the physical-chemical, microbiological and the presence of this type of food of animal origin. This review aimed to evaluate the main differences between animal foods such as meat, milk, honey, eggs and fish produced in organic systems compared to those produced in conventional systems. The main differences are related to the physical-chemical food and no relevant differences were found between the possible presence of chemical or biological hazards in food of animal origin.

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How to Cite
ROSSI, G. A. M.; LEMOS, P. DE P. L. Comparison on animal production in organic and conventional systems. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 11, n. 1, p. 6-13, 1 Jan. 2013.