Antigenic characterization of rabid animal isolates, northern Brazil, 2008/2012

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L. M. N. Casseb
T. F. S. B. Coelho
A. S. Pereira
M. N. P. Ferro
N. R. S. Lopes
A. L. Begot
R. J. S. Lima
P. F. C. Vasconcelos
E. S. Travassos da Rosa


The identification of the antigenic variants of rabies virus furnish important information on the origin of the circulating rabies virus in a determined region and, in consequence, the existing cycles and the involved species on them. Aiming to extend the knowledge of the epidemiology of the rabies in northern Brazil, we incorporated the technique of antigenic characterization for the laboratorial diagnosis of the rabies. Objective: To determine the epidemiologic profile of the animal rabies in northern Brazil, during the period of January 2008 through July 2012.

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CASSEB, L. M. N.; COELHO, T. F. S. B.; PEREIRA, A. S.; FERRO, M. N. P.; LOPES, N. R. S.; BEGOT, A. L.; LIMA, R. J. S.; VASCONCELOS, P. F. C.; TRAVASSOS DA ROSA, E. S. Antigenic characterization of rabid animal isolates, northern Brazil, 2008/2012. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 11, n. 1, p. 45-45, 11.