Anatomical study of the brain stem of the Cebus apella monkey

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Karina do Valle Marques
Irvênia Luiza de Santis Prada
Zenon Silva
Édson Aparecido Liberti


Objective: To perform an anatomical study of the external morphology of the brain stem of the Cebus apella monkey,describing its characteristics and comparing data with those found in literature regarding other primates, other mammals and mano Material and Method: The analysis of the external morphology of the brain stem of the Cebus apella was performed in 14 specimens. Results and Conclusions: The general organization of the structures of the brain stem of the Cebus apella is similar to that of other primates, including mano The following structures are evident on the anterior aspect of the brain stem: pyramis bulbi, decussatio pyramidum, oliva, pedunculus cerebellaris medius and pedunculus cerebri, as well as the apparent origin of the cranial nerves III to Xli, the anterior median fissure (and for amen caecum), the anterolateral, post erolaleral, bulbopontine, basilar and pons-mesencephalon sulci and lhefossa inlerpeduncularis, On the poslerior aspect of the brain stem of the Cebus apella, the evident structures are: the gracilis and the cuneatus fasciculi, the gracilis and the cuneatus tuberculi, the sulcus medianus posterior in the bulbus, the cavity of the With ventricle and the superior and inferior colliculi. In the With ventricle, the following structures are evident: sulcus medianus, eminentia medialis, recessus lateralis and velum lIledullare superius. Our results suggest that the subject can be researched further to investigate the structures described here in greater technical detail, employing sections stained by the Mullingan method.

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How to Cite
MARQUES, K. DO V.; PRADA, I. L. DE S.; SILVA, Z.; LIBERTI, ÉDSON A. Anatomical study of the brain stem of the Cebus apella monkey. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 8, n. 2, p. 156-163, 1 Jul. 2005.