Assessment of health risks and local intervention associated to living together with dogs and cats, developed at Jardim Parana, district of Brasilandia. São Paulo, Sp,- Brazil, 2003

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Luciana Hardt Gomes
Marilene Fernandes de Almeida
Noêmia Tucunduva Paranhos
Rita de Cássia Garcia
Vânia de Fátima Plaza Nunes
Hildebrando Montenegro Neto
Sônia Maria Sodré Cardoso


Objective: To carry out a situational diagnosis of interactions among man, animal and environment, to test intervention and control model in dogs and cats and lo make local population aware in order to improve human and animal health. Material and Method: The project "Evaluation of risks to the heath and local intervention associated to living together with dogs and cats" was carried out in the area invaded in Jardim Paraná, District of Brasilândia, São PauLo city, Brazil, in 2003 by the Center of Zoonosis Control of the São Paulo Municipality. Animal census, vaccinations, treatment of ectoparasitosis and endoparasitosis, animal register, animal sterilization, serological and soil examinations and removal of animals was carried through. Forty seven percent (47%) out of searched households had animals. Results: Of the collected serum, 31% of dogs and 19% of the cats reacted for toxoplasmosis; 49.1% of the samples of dogs presented antibodies against rabies above 0,5UI/mL and 100% of the soil samples tested positive for parasitic zoonosis. Population adhesion to program was high and request for animal removal, low. High rate of renewal among the population of dogs and cats, probably due to economic, sanitary and social situation of the human population. Conclusions: All the animals presented reactivity to more than one illness, indicating the susceptibility associated to the unfavorable environment that also exposes human population to health risks, that can be minimized through more global actions involving sanitation of the environment and promotion of animal health.

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GOMES, L. H.; DE ALMEIDA, M. F.; PARANHOS, N. T.; GARCIA, R. DE C.; NUNES, V. DE F. P.; MONTENEGRO NETO, H.; CARDOSO, S. M. S. Assessment of health risks and local intervention associated to living together with dogs and cats, developed at Jardim Parana, district of Brasilandia. São Paulo, Sp,- Brazil, 2003. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 6, n. 1/3, p. 83-94, 1 Jan. 2003.