Evaluation of the surgical technique teaching method using chemically preserved cadavers

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Rosane Maria Guimarães da Silva
Julia Maria Matera
Antônio Augusto Coppi Maciel Ribeiro


Objective: To assess surgical lraining in chemical/y preserved cadavers in lhe c/asses of Surgical Technique
and Orlhopedics of "Faculdade de Medicina Velerinária e Zoolecn.ia da Universidade de São Paulo" (College
of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny from Un.iversily of São Paulo) - (FMVZlUSP). São Paulo, Sp, Brazil. as
an ailemative melhod lo use of live animaIs in c/assrooms. Material and Method: A modijied Larssen solulion
thal preserves lhe characterislics of animaIs color, consislency and lexlure of lissues and j7exibilily of joinls as
similar as possible lo Ihose found in tive animal was used. Cadavers wilh body weighl belween I and 25 kg.
differenl sexes and races were c/eaned and received a lavage of lhe vascular circuil wilh hol physiologic
solulion and a second lavage wi/h modified Larssen solulion aI a volume corresponding lo 5% of lhe cadaver
body weighl. AI a second slage, jixing solulion was injecled whose volume corresponded lo 10% of cadaver
weight. Afler fixalion, cadavers were cryopreserved in cold chambers with temperalures of -20°C lo -16°C.
Acceptance of use of cadavers as a teaching melhodology has been assessed by means of a survey queslionnaire
distribuled among sludents of Surgical Technique in 2001, 2003 and 2003. Results and Conclusions: From
responses lo queslionnaires it was possible lo conc/ude Ihal the above described leaching melhodology is wel/
accepled by sludenls. Use of cadavers chemically modified Larssen solulion allows inlense and adequale
Iraining of surgical lechniques carried oul along lhe course. Said praclice allows lhe repeated use of cadavers,
decreasing lhe number of animais needed for c/assroom purposes.

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How to Cite
DA SILVA, R. M. G.; MATERA, J. M.; RIBEIRO, A. A. C. M. Evaluation of the surgical technique teaching method using chemically preserved cadavers. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 6, n. 1/3, p. 95-102, 1 Jan. 2003.