Omega 6 and 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids dog and cat nutrition

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Aulus Cavalieri Carciofi
Rodrigo Sousa Bazolli
Flávio Prada


between pro-inflammatory PUFA cis-linoleic (w6) and acachidonic (w6), versus the less inflammatory PUFA alpha-linolenic (w3), gamma-linolenic (w6), eicosapentaenoic (w3) and docosaeicosahenoic(w3) determines the fami1y of leukotrienes, prostaglandins and thromboxanes produced in the tissues, resulting in more or less inflammation (vasodilatation, aggregation, painful, etc.). Clinical studies have indicated positive effect of dietary relationship ofw6:w3 varying from 10:1to 2: I in inflammatory and coetaneous allergic diseases, arthritis, some tumors, kidney and cardiac disease, indicating a promising way to be explored.

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How to Cite
CARCIOFI, A. C.; BAZOLLI, R. S.; PRADA, F. Omega 6 and 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids dog and cat nutrition. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 5, n. 3, p. 268-277, 1 Dec. 2002.