Feet lesions and lameness prevalence in dairy cows kept in permanent confinement (free-stall and tie-stall)

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José Luiz de Mello Nicoletti
Francisco Armando de Azevedo Souza
Armen Thomassian
Carlos Alberto Hussni
Ana Liz Garcia Alves


Feet lesions and lameness prevalence were studied in Holstein dairy cows housed in free-stall and
tie-stall systems in São Paulo state farms. In the free-stall system, digital dermatitis, flat sole and axial
erosion were the prevailing lesions. However, in the tie-stall system the following lesions predominated:
sole bleeding, white line disease, heel erosion, double sole, interdigital dermatitis, hoof cracks and
long toellow heel. In both management systems a positive correlation was found between feet lesions
and the number of parturitions. The cows' age and the number of parturitions in addition to the
management system influenced feet lesions in dairy cows.


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How to Cite
NICOLETTI, J. L. DE M.; SOUZA, F. A. DE A.; THOMASSIAN, A.; HUSSNI, C. A.; ALVES, A. L. G. Feet lesions and lameness prevalence in dairy cows kept in permanent confinement (free-stall and tie-stall). Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 4, n. 2, p. 24-32, 1 Jul. 2001.