Laminitis pathophysiology and treatment in horses

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Armen Thomassian
José Luiz de Mello Nicoletti
Carlos Alberto Hussni
Ana Liz Garcia Alves


A severe affection of the locomotor system in horses, laminitis has several aspects discussed in this article, as anatomy, pathophysiology, clinical signs of acute and chronic stages, as well as major procedures used in treatment. Modem surgical procedures for management of the more severe clinical cases or refractory to conservative procedures are also presented.

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THOMASSIAN, A.; NICOLETTI, J. L. DE M.; HUSSNI, C. A.; ALVES, A. L. G. Laminitis pathophysiology and treatment in horses. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 3, n. 2, p. 16-29, 1 Jul. 2000.