Comparison of simulators for tissue suture training by veterinary medicine students

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Aline Machado de Zoppa
Andrea Barbosa
Greyce Lousana
Thais Sodré


This study compared the efficiency of a novel silicone model to a traditional low-fidelity method on the acquisition of surgical synthesis skills. Twenty-six veterinary students with no prior surgical training were randomly allocated into two groups: the first used a novel silicon model and second trained on a traditional set up. During three sessions, subjects such as synthesis, suture patterns, and suture practice were discussed. In order to assess the students experiences and perceptions, a questionary was applied. Students were also evaluated by teachers who scored their suture patterns. The questionary showed that the silicone model was superior in 7 out of 10 questions. No significant differences were detected between groups on the assessment by the teachers. This study shows that either model is effective for the development of suture skills. Nonetheless, the novel silicone model tested here has better acceptability when compared with the traditional model.

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How to Cite
ZOPPA, A. M. DE; BARBOSA, A.; LOUSANA, G.; SODRÉ, T. Comparison of simulators for tissue suture training by veterinary medicine students. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 19, n. 1, 6 May 2021.