Wildlife trade and emerging viral diseases

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Jorge Alberto Manso Raimundo da Rocha
Ana Maria de Mendonca Santos
Elaine Knupp de Brito
Brenda Hellen dos Santos Viana
Etjo Rodrigo Santana Nunes
Gabriella do Carmo Santos
Olga Anais Oliveira Varjão
Vitoria Lorena de Matos Santana
Wanessa Victor Barbosa Modesto


The wild animals trade provides mechanisms of disease transmission at levels that not only cause outbreaks of human disease, but also threaten domestic livestock, international trade, rural livelihoods, wild animals and the health of ecosystems. Direct contact between humans and wild animals, mixture of non-endemic wild species and limited health and safety standards are all criteria for a zoonotic hotspot found in wild animal markets. This review article highlights the role of the wild animal trade in the emergence of viral infectious diseases.

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ROCHA , J. A. M. R. DA; SANTOS , A. M. DE M.; BRITO, E. K. DE; VIANA , B. H. DOS S.; NUNES , E. R. S.; SANTOS , G. DO C.; VARJÃO , O. A. O.; SANTANA , V. L. DE M.; MODESTO , W. V. B. Wildlife trade and emerging viral diseases. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 19, n. 1, 18 Jun. 2021.