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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal, otherwise it should be explained in the "Comments to the editor."
  • Review: Review articles have free structure, in accordance with the objectives (s) of author (s) and the Journal Article Review should provide critical assessments of systematic literature on a certain subject. Preferably, the structure should include the abstract, introduction and objectives, the sources consulted, the criteria used, the synthesis of the data, conclusions and comments.
  • Technical Article: Contribution aiming to show the state of the art and science in technical and scientific matters involving the Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. It is contemplating information approach with the aim of continuing education since scientific contributions to original research results should be published in magazines and body and profile specific editorial. The structure is free, and must contain the abstract, the introduction, the purpose of the article and references.
  • Case report: We will accept for publication reports that meet the objectives of continuing education in the areas of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. Structure: introduction, case description, discussion and conclusions, references.
  • Essay: Theoretical studies of specific topics presented in their approach (s) of author (s).
  • In order to make the process more streamlined layout of the Journal, we ask the employees to enter their work in upper and lower case, avoiding securities and / or intertitles entirely in capital letters. The source type can be Times New Roman or similar, in size 12.
  • Graphs, figures and illustrations should be part of the text body and the total size of the paper must contain between 6 and 9 pages (approximately nine pages in Times New Roman 12, double spaced and margins 2.5 cm). In review articles, in exceptional cases, the total size of the article may be more than nine pages.
  • The paper must include: the full name of the author and co-authors, full name of the institutions to which they belong, in Portuguese and English abstracts, and keywords.
  • References should conform to the technical standard ABNT, NBR-6023, and the citations according to NBR 10520, author-date system.
  • To guarantee print quality are essential photographs and original drawings. Digital images should be sent keeping the resolution of the files in at least 300 dots per inch (300 dpi).

The papers submitted to the Journal of Continuing Education in Veterinary and Animal Science in the form of articles, research, preliminary notes, reviews, bibliographic updates, case reports, news and information of interest for the medical veterinary and zootechnical should be prepared using standard IBM software / PC (text in Word for DOS or Winword until 2007 version; graphics Winword until 2007 version, PowerPoint or Excel 2007) or Page Maker 7, illustrations Corel / Draw up to version X3 (checking that all letters are converted for curves) up to version CS4 or Photoshop.