Tarsometatarsal luxation in a dog: parcial arthrodesis employing a "t" piate - case report

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Leandro Romano
Alexandre Schmaedecke
Laura Bertolacini Romano
Cássio Ricardo Auada Ferrigno


Objective: To reporl on a case ofparlial arlhrodesis elllploying a "I" bone plale alld screll'S, for Irealmenl oflarsal luxalion ill a dog. Description: Fel1lale dog, lIlixed breed, Ihree years old, approximalely J.j kg, exalllined ai lhe Serviço de Cirurgia Ortopédica da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ/USP), (Surgical Orlhopedic Service of lhe School of Velerinary Medicine and Animal Science of lhe Ulliversity of São Paulo), São Paulo, Sp, Brazil, wilh a history of lameness. Upon physical examinalion, lhe lefi hind/illlb was nonweightbearing, enlarged and painful. Palpalion revealed crepilus, severe pain and inslabi/ily oflhe larso-melalarsal joinl. Radiology revealed larso-lIlelatarsal luxalion wilh axial devialion and parlial loss of lhe larso-lIletalarsal arlicular relalionship. Based onlhe clinicaI, radiological and laboralorial jindings, surgery was scheduled. The "I" plale lVas placed in such a manner Ihat bolh proximal screws lVerejixaled to lhe larsus and Ihefour dislal screll's lVere jixated lo lhe Ihird lIlelatarsus. Laleral splinls were elllployed in lhe early posl-operalive period and kepl for 60 days. The palienllVas releasedfrollllreatlllenl afieI' fwo 11I0nths. COl1cJusiol1S: Today, lolal arlhrodesis is lhe lI/os1 comlllon surgical procedurefor frealmenl oflarsalluxation in dogs. HOlVever parlial arlhrodesis can be considered due lo ils few complicalions and low risk ofimplant failure, wilh preservalion oflhe inlegrily ofnon affecled joinls.

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How to Cite
ROMANO, L.; SCHMAEDECKE, A.; ROMANO, L. B.; FERRIGNO, C. R. A. Tarsometatarsal luxation in a dog: parcial arthrodesis employing a "t" piate - case report. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 8, n. 1, p. 48-54, 1 Jan. 2005.