Ethical and civil responsibility of veterinary physicians in the veterinary hospital environment

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Ketlen Slowinski
Tália Missen Tremori
Mara Rita Rodrigues Massad
Ana Cristina Tasaka
Noeme Sousa Rocha


The importance given by society to pets has highly increased
over the last years, and now it is common to see these
animals being considered as part of the family. Additionally,
social networks and media in general have facilitated access
to information, so veterinarians need to be aware of their
ethical and civil responsibilities in order to work according
to proper procedures and consequently, avoid legal
problems. To guarantee this protection, it is fundamental for
veterinarians to be informed about professional and general
laws that apply to this subject, by continuously maintaining
themselves updated regarding regulations. The obligation
of the veterinarian at the veterinary hospital is considered
environmental, which means that he/she must put all the
necessary efforts into providing the services, but will not
necessarily guarantee the achievement of a specific result,
since Medicine is not an exact science. However, if there is
blame, negligence, misconduct, or omission, the professional
will have to answer administratively or even legally. This
article has the aim to show a general view of the ethical and
civil concerns of veterinarians, emphasizing some primary
aspects from the clinical routine of veterinary physicians in
the hospital environment in order to reduce administrative,
and consequently, judicial demands.

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How to Cite
SLOWINSKI, K.; TREMORI, T. M.; MASSAD, M. R. R.; TASAKA, A. C.; ROCHA, N. S. Ethical and civil responsibility of veterinary physicians in the veterinary hospital environment. Revista de Educação Continuada em Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, v. 14, n. 2, p. 30-37, 29 Aug. 2016.